
Cisco Launcher Leash exercising with Arnold during molt. Arnie is hoping for a scrap. Also that Cisco won't pop him.

Farrah Exercising During Molt

Farrah Exercising During Molt
Checking the mail....

Thursday, October 8, 2015

11 is Better

Took Arnold with us out west of Katy. It was quiet, not much moving until a rabbit made a dash for it. Rabbit #2 on hunt #11.

Afterwards Arnold stepped on something in the grass that bit him. Ant? Dunno, but I need to see when I get back home. He's favoring the foot. Update: 1300. Arnold is limping just a little, but was happy to eat some rabbit tidbits. Whatever got him was not big as the grass was short. My best guess is a fire ant, but I don't know. I felt around on his foot but nothing, and he did not react.