
Cisco Launcher Leash exercising with Arnold during molt. Arnie is hoping for a scrap. Also that Cisco won't pop him.

Farrah Exercising During Molt

Farrah Exercising During Molt
Checking the mail....

Friday, February 12, 2016

A red-shouldered hawk

From Will Sanders

WHAT A DAY !!!! Tried yesterday for a Chukar flight, but no dice. TODAY WE DID. Flushed down hill as they prefer, close slip, maybe 20 feet. I threw him, and he seemed to go a little wide right, but it was SO fast an experience, I’m not sure. But he was RIGHT on it. THESE CHUKARS ARE FAST AND EXPLOSIVE. It seemed he kept the same distance and then 40 feet out started to close and the Chukar made a wide turn and STARTED FLYING UPHILL towards the fast of the woods and cover, as I think it knew it was in a lot of danger. They both came right back past me about 30 yards out and I could see the Chukar was going to put in, in or near the woods, but as it was checking to go in, Mercurius did not slow at all. I lost sight of them for a second behind a tree and then I could see the impact as they rolled head over heels. I was wondering if he could hold it. NO PROBLEM !!! This bird goes right for the head and neck and when I got to him it was in its last flaps. He let me walk right up as usual and take some tidbits and I sat down beside him. I hooked him up and took the picture and then traded him off for a quail I had with me. I covered the chukar because this bird had NO damage to it but its head and neck and I thought hmmm, I could eat this one to see how it is. Instead, Mercurius got his fill on the quail and is sitting happily on one leg.

At least to me I have verified what I suspected but even better! I was not really counting on how nice he is, smart and a joy to work with. Birdy as hell, fast and super capable. When I gutted the Chukar and took off the head I decided to weigh it. 15 1/2 OUNCES. With the head and guts over 16 ounces which is damned near the same size as my bird. He also has power and mettle to not hesitate to go after a strong flying bird his size. The private areas here have to stop in March so I won't be getting a lot of hunting with him this year but plan to start as early as I can after the molt. By the way yesterday I had a couple of false flushes and threw him at nothing. He shot up into the trees and came right down so he is not a tree sitter.

I hope to see some great things from you few others flying these great birds and if you don’t have one, and have a few years under your belt, give it a shot. I have not treated him like a bug and frog eater but like a prize forest hawk and he has returned the favor. I will be dining on Chukar soon, ahhhhhhhhhh.

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